Your refrigerator, washing machine, and even your phone charger make the meter spin faster.
But there is a way to reduce payments by 50%, and it is completely legal. It's all about "phantom consumption."
Phantom power consumption
Devices in standby mode consume up to 30% of energy. For example, a TV with the screen turned off “eats” up to 20 watts per hour, according to various sources.

It is easy to calculate how much this will be per day, per month and per year.
Another secret is the time of use. Turn on the dishwasher and boiler at night, when the rates are lower.
How to stop a counter without magnets and prohibited methods
It's simple: install motion sensors to turn lighting fixtures on and off, for example in the hallway and bathroom.
They will reduce consumption by 15%. Replace incandescent bulbs with LED ones - this is another 20% savings.
But the main enemy is old household appliances. An old refrigerator, and these are models older than 10 years, consume 2 times more energy.
Try replacing these appliances and equipment with class A++, and you will save a decent amount of money per year on utility bills.
What about chargers?
Don't leave them plugged in - even without being connected to your phone, they waste energy. Use sockets with a power button: with one movement, you can turn off all the equipment.
But what to do if there is no money for new equipment?
Conduct an audit and identify "energy guzzlers". Turn off any device that is in sleep mode or has a timer.
You might be surprised, but even a microwave with a timer on is a source of leakage.
And remember: saving starts with habits.
Turn off the lights, boil only the necessary amount of water, and defrost the refrigerator on time. These little things will save your budget and the planet.