Psychologist Elena Katsyuba spoke about the problem of excess weight from the point of view of psychosomatic disorders

02.03.2023 12:30
Updated: 14.04.2023 09:34

Losing weight is never an easy process, but for some people it can be especially exhausting.

Despite all their efforts, not only do they not lose weight, but on the contrary, they continue to gain it.

Psychologist and psychosomatologist Elena Katsyuba explains why people cannot lose weight despite diets, exercise and proper nutrition.

Eliminate pathologies and excess calories

First of all, you need to rule out health problems. Excess weight can occur due to hormonal imbalances, high sugar, edema. You need to undergo a quality examination, take all the tests, check your kidneys.

If your health is fine, count your calories again honestly. It happens that a person seems to be on a diet, but during the day he or she has small snacks – “I just ate a piece of cheese”, “I only took one bite of a bun”, “I drank a cup of cappuccino”, etc.

Photo: Pixabay

Count absolutely all calories, including all the "small pieces" and liquids, including coffee. For example, cappuccino is a very high-calorie drink. Don't forget to take into account the vegetable oil that you use to dress your vegetable salads.

Psychosomatic causes

If the reason is not in health or in excess of calories consumed, then the source of extra pounds should most likely be sought in the head.

Psychosomatic disorders can develop a tendency to gain weight. Let's consider three possible scenarios.

A woman's husband left her, and she was left alone with a child in her arms. She now needs to earn money, and be responsible for the child, and keep the house in order, and independently solve all the issues that arise in life.

The woman understands that she cannot allow herself to be a small and fragile girl, she must be strong and powerful to pull through everything. The body receives the corresponding signal - and the body begins to "fill out".

Unsuccessful experiences from previous relationships are also added to this. The brain is terrified of new acquaintances (and therefore new suffering), and therefore does everything to avoid attracting the attention of the opposite sex, that is, it does not allow the body to be slim.

Another situation is when a woman leads a male team. She understands that in order to hold responsibility on her shoulders and increase her authority, she needs to be impressively weighty.

This message from the brain takes physical form in the form of extra pounds. The brain believes that the larger the body, the higher the weight in the company.

The third situation. There is a layoff in the company, and the person risks losing his job. A connection arises in his head: as soon as I am left without a job and without money, hard times will begin. It is unclear whether I will be able to find something in return and what awaits me in the future.

The brain concludes that it is not profitable to lose weight now; on the contrary, it is necessary to build up reserves.

There can be many such situations, and they are not always obvious. Therefore, if you understand that you are healthy, do not exceed the number of calories, but you cannot lose weight, then think about what is happening in your life now that requires maintaining weight.

If you can’t cope on your own, you should contact a specialist.

Valeria Kisternaya Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor

  1. Eliminate pathologies and excess calories
  2. Psychosomatic causes