Sometimes children behave so badly that parents feel it is simply impossible not to yell at their child. But yelling is a bad educational technique.
Kurchev Anton child raising children board psychological trick Children 29 December 2023With the help of three simple methods, you can significantly improve your family relationships.
Marina Michalap family and relationships Advice to parents Strengthening the family Children 27 December 2023When a child begins adulthood, he usually leaves home and tries to find his own place to live.
Dmitry Liskovich children and family parents finance modern children Children 24 December 2023Will the child grow up to be a successful person? It depends on many factors.
Kurchev Anton raising children words success Love Children 12 December 2023Many of us, as teenagers, did not listen to our parents' advice because we considered ourselves smarter or simply did not attach any importance to it.
Dmitry Liskovich modern children parents board experience Useful tips 30 November 2023The right style of communication with a child increases the chances that the baby will begin to achieve serious success in life.
Kurchev Anton raising children words communication emotions Children 28 November 2023