Red or orange cups may release hazardous substances.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news coffee color danger Useful tips 30 December 2024These items may cause your laptop to malfunction.
Kurchev Anton laptop laptop problems drinks Tips for users Technologies 11 December 2024Signs associated with broken dishes do not always foretell troubles and misfortunes.
Sergey Tumanov folk signs folk beliefs future People and Events 28 October 2024If the mug shattered into small pieces, this may indicate that upcoming events will be bright and memorable.
Sergey Tumanov Top news things signs People and Events 4 August 2024The most ordinary ceramic mug will come to the rescue.
Kurchev Anton grate methods tips for housewives Useful tips 23 March 2024According to popular belief, a person who leaves cutlery in a container can deprive himself of happiness.
Kurchev Anton a vessel cutlery misfortune folk signs People and Events 11 January 2024If you constantly use a white cup for ready-made tea or coffee, then plaque inevitably accumulates on the surface.
Dmitry Liskovich raid tea Useful tips 1 January 2024A spoon can cause hot tea to spill, ruining a tablecloth or clothes. Not to mention the sound of that spoon.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news tea a vessel signs Useful tips 27 December 2023Simple folk methods will help remove plaque.
Olga Kotova a vessel cleaning washing dishes dishwashing detergents Useful tips 13 December 2023Old tea and coffee stains can be difficult to remove from the white surface of cups. Therefore, you should pay attention to additional cleaning agents.
Olga Kotova cleaning washing a vessel Useful tips 19 November 2023Many housewives feel sorry to throw away dishes that have chips or cracks.
Kurchev Anton a vessel water health folk signs People and Events 22 August 2023If you are a tea or coffee lover, you are probably familiar with what these drinks can do to your dishes.
Elena Shimanovskaya a vessel tea coffee raid washing Useful tips 26 July 2023This is what folk signs say. The recommendation also has a rational explanation.
Sergey Tumanov a vessel storage folk signs protection Useful tips 30 June 2023Let's figure out in which cases the transformation of a mug into shards is a lucky sign, and in which cases it is not so much.
Sergey Tumanov a vessel folk signs problems happiness People and Events 3 June 2023There are many beliefs according to which it is forbidden to drink tea without removing the spoon from the mug.
Elena Shimanovskaya tea folk signs superstition etiquette People and Events 31 March 2023Kitchen knives get dull from time to time. If you don't sharpen the tool, it will be very difficult to cut bread and other products.
Kurchev Anton kitchen a knife tools methods Useful tips 23 March 2023