Why glasses, cups and mugs should be stored upside down: a note for housewives

30.06.2023 05:50

There are several options for storing cups and mugs.

Firstly, these containers can be stored suspended by hanging them on hooks.

Secondly, they can be placed in a sideboard.

a vessel
Photo: © Belnovosti

Thirdly, cups and mugs are often placed in a cupboard where they are stored upside down.

The latter option is preferable. This is what folk signs say. The recommendation also has a rational explanation.

Folk omens about storing dishes

Our grandmothers always tried to store drinking vessels upside down.

We are talking not only about cups and mugs, but also about glasses and goblets.

It was believed that the inverted position protected the drinking vessel from the penetration of evil spirits and negative energies.

According to beliefs, the correct arrangement of cups, mugs and glasses protects the family from troubles and problems.

Rational explanation

If you don't turn the containers over, more dirt and dust may get into them.

In addition, the remaining water flows out of the washed and turned dishes without any problems. We are talking about the situation when cups, mugs and glasses are stored in a cabinet.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

  1. Folk omens about storing dishes
  2. Rational explanation

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