Why you can't drink from a cup or mug with a spoon left in it: a folk omen

11.01.2024 05:50

A teaspoon is usually used to stir the contents of a cup or mug.

This cutlery helps the sugar to distribute and dissolve faster.

After stirring tea or coffee, the spoon should be removed. However, many people are too lazy to do this simple action: they drink the drink from a cup in which the cutlery is still located.

Photo: © Belnovosti

You should never do this. And it's not just about protecting yourself (if you don't put the spoon away, it could get into your eye).

It's also about folk signs. According to popular belief, a person who leaves cutlery in a container can deprive himself of happiness.

Folk sign about a spoon in a cup or mug

It is believed that a spoon left in a vessel can bring bad luck into a person's life.

According to the signs, the negative impact appears immediately after a tea or coffee lover starts drinking a beverage from a container in which cutlery remains.

According to beliefs, a person who allows such a process to occur will miss out on many interesting things in his life.

It is possible that he will not find happiness either in his personal life or in his professional sphere.

Therefore, develop the habit of always removing the spoon from the cup or mug before drinking.

Earlier we explained why you should place your fork on the table with the tines facing down .

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

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