To make this day memorable for culinary reasons, we recommend paying attention to the Negresco salad with smoked chicken and prunes.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news festive table salad dish Cooking 25 February 2025In the office, it can be difficult to choose gifts for female colleagues. Often, representatives of the stronger sex argue and cannot decide for a long time what is better to choose in order not only to please, but also to surprise with a gift.
Olga Kotova gifts for women present a gift People and Events 29 February 2024A delicious, filling and mouth-watering salad that is not only good for a snack, but can also surprise the guests at the feast.
Dmitry Bobrovich recipe cooking cooking and recipes salad Cooking 6 March 2023Why you shouldn't buy ready-made bouquets.
Igor Zur flowers holidays and calendar board tricks Useful tips 6 March 2023Potted flowers are a great, inexpensive alternative to a bouquet.
Elena Gutyro present flowers bouquet holiday Useful tips 6 March 2023How to root a mimosa branch - only experience and luck will help.
Igor Zur flowers a plant care board Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 February 2023How to extend the life of cut tulips up to two weeks.
Igor Zur flowers care present tricks Useful tips 27 February 2023These actions will take no more than 3 minutes, but the bouquet of tulips will last much longer in the vase.
Dmitry Bobrovich flowers bouquet board Useful tips 12 January 2023