Is it possible to root a mimosa branch from a bouquet: there are a couple of nuances

28.02.2023 18:45

The first spring flowers that start to be sold everywhere on the eve of March 8 are tulips and mimosa.

In the first case, everything is clear - it is useless to root flowers. But as for mimosa, gardeners do not abandon the idea of trying to root a branch of a flowering plant.

There are a couple of nuances here that you need to pay attention to.

Silver acacia will take root without problems, but only if the plant has not frozen during the time it was sold outside.

It is also worth considering the transportation stage, but, of course, there is a greater chance of new roots being produced in plants that were purchased in a store or other heated room.

Mimosa Vase
Photo: Pixabay

How to proceed

If you have just such a branch of mimosa, then here is the next important point that you need to understand.

For rooting, it is better to take not the base, but the top of the plant. The shoot should be no shorter than 10-15 cm.

The excess is simply cut off, and then the future cutting is soaked in a growth stimulator for 12 hours. This can be an industrial preparation (Epin, for example) or folk remedies (honey, aloe and other recipes).

Then the branch is placed in a light substrate (store-bought soil mixed with sand and vermiculite).

The pot with the cutting is covered with a plastic bag or a glass. The rest depends solely on luck and the condition of the plant.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor