4 Mistakes Parents Make When Forming Habits in Their Children: Don't Repeat Them

26.01.2023 09:00
Updated: 13.04.2023 16:08

Habits determine a lot. It is very important that they are correct, that they are beneficial.

Everyone should acquire these in childhood, which is understood by mothers and fathers. They are engaged in the upbringing of the baby, instilling in him those features that, as they themselves believe, he should have. This should work, should give positive results. But in reality, it happens that such are not achieved.

It's all about the approach to their formation. Parents can make mistakes when instilling habits in their children. The most common of these should be analyzed.

No explanation

A child must be motivated to do something, to make what is required of him a reality. Parents should not simply tell him that he must act in a certain way, that he must behave as they recommend in a particular situation.

It is important to tell your child what a particular habit will give him, what benefit it will bring him now and in the future. In this case, he will be more willing to work on himself.

Photo: Pixabay

Everything is too boring

If we are talking about a small child, it is better to instill habits in him by playing with him. The easiest way is to note how many times in a week or a month he did everything as required of him.

Encourage him if he has never violated the requirements or rules. If parents only talk about what needs to be done, the baby will quickly become bored and may resist.

Don't be an example

You can't teach a child anything unless you show him what to do by example. Words alone won't work on him.

Parents need to follow their own rules, live by them, and develop certain habits. Only then will their child follow their example and repeat after them.

Do not encourage

Parents may be afraid that rewards will only spoil the child. Of course, if you reward the child for every action and always, this can happen.

But if you use the reward only at those stages when the habit is just forming, then it will be beneficial, not harmful. If a reward was promised, then it should be given so that the child does not have deceived expectations, so that he does not become disappointed and does not give up the undertaking.

Mom and dad should avoid such mistakes. In this case, they will be able to teach the child everything that is necessary, to form correct and useful habits in him.

Yana Lysova Author: Yana Lysova Internet resource editor

  1. No explanation
  2. Everything is too boring
  3. Don't be an example
  4. Do not encourage