Here are some tips on placing mirrors in your home that are key.
Igor Zur Designer's tips mirrors in the interior home renovation decor for apartment Design and interior 25 February 2024What items from the Soviet past are still relevant today.
Igor Zur Designer's tips decor for apartment interior items USSR Design and interior 24 February 2024Four tips to help you fit a split-system air conditioner into your interior.
Igor Zur air conditioner impeccable interior Designer's tips space Design and interior 23 February 2024The disadvantages of an interior decorated in the Japandi style are that not everyone can live in minimalism.
Igor Zur Designer's tips mistakes in interior repair errors Design and interior 22 February 2024Some tips for renovating your bedroom - interior innovations for 2024.
Igor Zur home renovation bedroom Designer's tips interior design Design and interior 21 February 2024The designer gave 4 examples of when you can do without curtains in the interior.
Igor Zur curtains for windows Designer's tips interior design windows Design and interior 19 February 2024Three tips to help you update the interior of your apartment or house for spring.
Igor Zur Designer's tips interior design spring interior renovation Design and interior 16 February 2024The designer advises paying attention to white, green and blue colors - the interior will not become outdated over the years.
Igor Zur color selection home renovation Designer's tips interior design Design and interior 16 February 2024A rented apartment can be improved and customized relatively easily and fairly quickly.
Olga Kotova apartment cleaning the apartment housing Interior Design and interior 9 February 2024Decorative elements play an important role in interior design, being the finishing touch to the overall image of the room.
Elena Shimanovskaya decor Designer's tips Interior mistakes Design and interior 18 January 2024