In order for your young seedlings planted in the fall to take root well and produce a harvest, you need to pay attention to some nuances when purchasing.
Sergey Tumanov seedlings mistakes the rules advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 23 October 2024Probably, every gardener who goes to buy seedlings is concerned with the question: how to choose from a huge assortment those specimens that are distinguished by excellent health and will provide a good harvest?
Elena Shimanovskaya seedlings trees shrubs ornamental plants Garden and Vegetable Garden 2 October 2024There are two suitable periods for planting phlox: spring, after the snow melts, and the end of the season - from late August to early October (depending on the climate of the region in which you live).
Elena Shimanovskaya flowers flowers phlox seedlings plants Society 15 September 2024