Before adding any fertilizer, eggplants need to be watered.
Kurchev Anton eggplant mistakes fertilizers advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 10 July 2024Normal fruiting of eggplants is impossible without the supply of nutrients to the soil.
Kurchev Anton eggplant growing eggplants fertilizers advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 7 June 2024We tell you what fertilizers eggplants need when planting.
Timur Khomichev eggplant Garden and Vegetable Garden 11 April 2024At the moment, many gardeners are growing eggplant seedlings.
Kurchev Anton seedling growing eggplants mistakes advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 March 2024Not everyone knows how to increase the eggplant harvest with the help of iodine and ash.
Marina Michalap growing eggplants Garden and Vegetable Garden 13 February 2024