Eggplants, like all other garden crops, need nutrients and microelements.
Nightshade plants need to be fed several times during the summer season.
Some summer residents complain about the following: they use the highest quality fertilizers, but in the end they get a low-quality harvest.

Why does this happen? The answer is simple: gross errors are probably made when applying fertilizers.
As a result, the plant experiences stress. Problems with fruit formation appear.
What mistakes exactly should not be made when feeding eggplants? This question was answered by the expert of the online publication "BelNovosti", scientist-agronomist and landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh .
Fertilizing immediately after transplantation
Gardeners who try to feed eggplants immediately after replanting the plant make a serious mistake.
It is important to understand that during this period the roots of the flora representative are injured. Therefore, you should not count on the full absorption of important compounds and microelements by the garden crop.
Avoid pre-watering
Before adding any fertilizer, eggplants need to be watered.
If a summer resident does not want to do this, it is fraught with the risk of the plant roots getting burned.
Confused types of fertilizers
Spraying eggplants with a product intended for root application is a serious oversight.
Root dressings are more concentrated than foliar dressings. Therefore, they should not be applied to the plant itself.
Earlier, summer residents were told how to feed cabbage for a rich harvest.