Nutritionists insist that there should not be much red meat in the diet. The main emphasis is recommended to be on vegetables and fruits, grains, fish and poultry.
But you shouldn't completely give up red meat, nor should you eat it on a regular basis.
Experts have explained what will happen if you eat beef, pork or other similar products every day.

Benefits of Red Meat
1. Meat should be part of a balanced diet as it contains protein, iron and zinc.
2. It is also a source of energy, as a 114 gram serving contains about 30 grams of protein.
3. Meat helps restore muscles, so it is recommended to include it in the diet of athletes.
4. At the same time, it does not cause blood sugar spikes.
But all this is true if you eat red meat no more than twice a week.
Harmful effects of meat
1. If you constantly eat red fatty meat, you may experience problems with your gastrointestinal tract (bloating, diarrhea, constipation).
2. If we are talking about fatty and processed meat products, then problems with excess weight cannot be avoided.
3. Accordingly, the risk of developing problems with the heart, blood vessels, blood pressure increases, cholesterol levels and the risk of developing colorectal cancer increase.
Nutritionists do not recommend giving up red meat completely.
If necessary, it can be replaced with fatty sea fish, chicken and turkey.