Have you been on diets for years, counting every crumb, but the weight keeps coming back?
It's all because you're not playing by the right rules. Hunger is stress for the body.
When you drastically cut calories, your body goes into economy mode: it slows down your metabolism and stores every gram of fat for a rainy day. The result? You lose muscle, water, but not fat, and then you break down and gain even more.

To lose weight permanently, you need to be friends with your metabolism. Eat 4-5 times a day in small portions - this way you will avoid hunger breakdowns.
For example, breakfast with oatmeal and eggs, snack with apple and nuts, lunch with buckwheat and fish, afternoon snack - cottage cheese, dinner - vegetables and turkey.
Add protein to every meal: it takes longer to digest and preserves muscle, which burns calories even at rest.
Fats are not the enemy. Nuts, avocado, olive oil help hormonal balance.
For example, a salad with avocado and flax seeds will fill you up more than low-fat yogurt.
Carbohydrates are also necessary, but choose complex ones: buckwheat, oatmeal, whole grain bread. They provide energy for the whole day and do not provoke sudden hunger.
Sleep is your secret weapon. Lack of sleep increases cortisol levels, which triggers weight gain.
Go to bed before 11:00 PM, sleep in the dark and without gadgets. If this doesn't work, try breathing exercises before bed: 5 minutes of deep inhalations through the nose and exhalations through the mouth.
And forget about "don't eat after six." If you go to bed at midnight, this approach will only do harm. Have dinner 3 hours before bed, but don't starve.
For example, stewed vegetables with chicken or pumpkin puree soup. And if you want something sweet in the evening, eat a piece of dark chocolate - it's better than suffering and breaking down on cake at 2 am.
Move in a way that you enjoy. No need to exhaust yourself in the gym if you hate the treadmill. Dance, walk, play with your kids - any activity works.
Even 10 minutes of jumping to music will burn more calories than an hour of boring walking. And don't forget about the power of small steps: start with 5 squats a day and increase the load gradually.