White bread is not considered the healthiest product, and that's putting it mildly. Healthy eating experts of all levels insist that it should be excluded from the diet.
Otherwise, you will have a lot of health problems. Is that really true?
In an interview with Gazeta.ru , endocrinologist, nutritionist, and PhD Oksana Mikhaleva spoke about whether it is necessary to give up eating white bread.
Harmful or not
No. According to the expert, white bread is not harmful, but under certain conditions it contributes to weight gain.
It can be eaten by everyone except patients with obesity, diabetes (any type) and gluten intolerance.
White bread itself has a high gluten content and some protein. It has more starch and easily digestible carbohydrates.
It contains few vitamins, nutrients, and minerals, and white bread contains even less fiber.
Because of this, when eating white bread, the level of sugar and insulin in the blood quickly and noticeably increases.
Weight also increases and glucose levels rise.
If you have normal body weight but are prone to gaining excess weight, you can avoid eating white bread.
But you also need to remember about baked goods made from premium flour – buns and pastries, cookies and other products.
If we talk about numbers, healthy men can eat up to 150 grams of white bread per day.
Women should limit themselves to 120 grams of white bread per day.