The key to success in the fight against excess weight is to avoid fatty foods and to be physically active.
American scientists have found out that there is another rule on which success depends and this is even the most important condition.
The results of the work were published in the journal JAMA Network Open.
In the course of a large-scale research project, American nutritionists came to the conclusion that the effectiveness of weight loss depends not only on physical activity and counted calories.
You can really speed up your metabolism only if you drink 6-8 glasses of water every day.
The volume of water drunk is considered a conditional indicator.
It is influenced by a person’s age, gender, presence of diseases, as well as weight and other factors.
But on average, to speed up metabolism, those losing weight are advised to drink from 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day.
The advice will first help you maintain your health, and then in the fight against excess weight.
As for health, drinking water will help avoid urolithiasis.
Nutritionists also remind that a healthy approach to fighting excess weight requires a comprehensive approach.
This means that you need to monitor your diet, maintain water balance and remain physically active, and also not forget about your daily routine.