Imagine losing weight without having to count calories or give up your favorite foods. The secret is in water.
Yes, regular water is the main assistant in the fight against extra pounds.
How to Lose Weight with Water
If you drink a glass 20 minutes before a meal, your stomach will be partially filled and you will eat less.

And if you replace sweet drinks and juices with pure water, then in a month you will imperceptibly reduce your consumption by 5000 calories.
Another life hack is to add high-fiber foods to your diet: vegetables, whole grain cereals.
They keep you feeling full longer, reducing your cravings for snacks.
And don't forget about sleep: lack of sleep slows down your metabolism, causing your body to store fat. Try these steps - the results will surprise you!
But water is not the only secret.
The temperature of the drinks also plays a role. Cold water speeds up metabolism, as the body spends calories to heat it.
Try drinking a glass of water with a piece of ice in the morning - it will invigorate you and start the fat burning process.
But hot water with lemon before bed improves detoxification and reduces appetite the next day.
Another little-known trick is the "water pause"
If you feel like eating something unhealthy in the evening, drink two glasses of water and wait 15 minutes.
Often, thirst disguises itself as hunger, and the desire to have a snack will disappear.
Water also helps fight swelling: when the body gets enough fluid, it stops retaining it in the tissues.
Fiber is your ally
But not all. Soluble fiber (oatmeal, apples) forms a gel in the stomach, slowing the absorption of sugar.
Insoluble (bran, cabbage) cleans the intestines like a brush.
Combine both types: add flax seeds to yogurt or eat vegetables with whole grain bread.
Sleep is the time when the body recovers and burns fat.
But it is not enough to just sleep 8 hours. It is important to go to bed before midnight: between 10:00 PM and 2:00 AM, the growth hormone, which breaks down fats, is most actively produced.
Create a ritual: an hour before bed, turn off your gadgets, take a warm bath, drink chamomile tea. This will reduce the level of cortisol, the stress hormone that interferes with weight loss.
And the last piece of advice - move stealthily
You don't have to sweat in the gym. Walk two stops, stand while talking on the phone, get up from your desk more often.
These little things increase your calorie expenditure by 20-30% per day.