Nutritionist Alexey Isupov told how to fight hunger when you are on a diet

06.03.2023 12:00

The "correct" feeling of hunger appears as a reaction to a decrease in fats or sugar in the blood.

Nutritionist Alexey Isupov told how to deal with the feeling of hunger when you are on a diet.

After we eat, food begins to move through the digestive tract, being broken down by our enzymes and absorbed mainly in the small intestine into the blood.

  1. Fatty acids are formed after the breakdown of fats.
  2. Glucose is formed from the breakdown of carbohydrates.
  3. Amino acids are broken down proteins.

All these substances, entering the blood, change the hormonal background in our body and remove the feeling of hunger.

So, if we suddenly decide to go on some new-fangled “miracle diet”, then, as a rule, we exclude certain products from our diet and start, for example, to eat only something specific.

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Photo: Pixabay

Often fats are excluded, sometimes carbohydrates. And if the body stops receiving the substances it needs, it will constantly send a signal that we need to eat.

All you can do is either be patient and wait for the long-awaited number on the scale, or go to the refrigerator.

If you have the right diet, balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates, depending on your age, weight, activity, then you should not feel hungry at all.

The body must receive all the necessary substances from food, and the lack of energy (a deficit specially created to lose excess weight) will be replenished by burning excess fat in the body. This process is gradual and, most importantly, not fast!!!

Burning a lot of fat in a short period of time is toxic and dangerous to your health. Therefore, be more careful with your diets; you definitely don’t need to limit yourself in terms of macronutrients.

It is best to consult a nutritionist who will correctly formulate your diet. There should be no cleansing, detox, or juice diets under any circumstances.

Even if you lose extra kilos on such a diet, then the body will start to demand the substances it lacks, which it did not receive during this long period, most likely you will “eat” everything again.

If you have balanced your plate for one meal correctly, you should not feel hungry until the next meal.

It is quite possible that you feel thirsty rather than hungry, then just try drinking a glass of pure water. If you feel hungry very often, then it is worth changing your diet and dividing your meals by calories so that they are smaller, but with small snacks.

A snack must include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, otherwise if you, for example, eat an apple, it will break down into glucose, be absorbed into the blood, raise the sugar level, but will not raise the fat level, and you will not satisfy your hunger.

But if you add a few nuts to the apple, you will most likely be full until the next meal. You can try fractional nutrition, dividing the whole day into 6-7 meals, but small, approximately equal in calories, macro- and micronutrients.

Before any diet you decide to follow, you should consult a doctor, especially if you have any chronic diseases. They can greatly affect the diet, or even make the diet impossible.

It is worth paying attention if the feeling of hunger appears as a reaction to stress from some event (a quarrel with a boss, with parents, with a friend).

If after something happened that touches your personal boundaries, you immediately want to have a snack, then you should consult a psychologist, no diets will help here, and even if they do help, then everything will return to "its" place after some time.

Valeria Kisternaya Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor