6 Relaxing Foods: What You Can and Should Eat After 6:00 PM

24.09.2024 00:30

We have all heard the advice “not to eat too much at night” in order to fall asleep easily and sleep well.

But if your work schedule doesn’t allow you to have an early dinner or you want to have a little snack before going to bed, what should you do in this case?

Nutritionists have named foods that promote relaxation, so you can eat them with peace of mind after six o'clock in the evening.


Turkey meat has a high content of tryptophan. This amino acid is necessary for our body to produce two neurotransmitters: serotonin and melatonin.

If the first of them promotes relaxation, then the quality of sleep directly depends on the second.

Photo: © Belnovosti

So, a sandwich or salad with fresh vegetables and turkey is a great late dinner.


Salmon is a highly nutritious food, rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, which help regulate serotonin levels. This, in turn, improves the quality of our sleep.

Looking for a recipe for the perfect light dinner that won't interfere with your rest and sleep?

Then baked or fried salmon slices paired with a salad with lots of leafy greens are just what you need.

Leafy greens

Leafy greens, especially spinach and kale, are loaded with magnesium, a mineral that plays a key role in relaxing muscles and nerves.

Nutritionists recommend making salads with them or lightly frying them with garlic and spices for a light and healthy dinner.


Cherries contain melatonin, a substance that regulates our sleep. You can eat a small amount of cherries as a light snack after lunch.

This natural flavor will help regulate your sleep-wake cycles, making it easier to fall asleep.


Although bananas are often not recommended for consumption late at night due to the high calorie content of this fruit, they actually have a relaxing effect.

The fact is that bananas are rich in magnesium and potassium, which help relax muscles and the nervous system.

Nutritionists recommend making a light snack out of bananas by placing slices of fruit on whole grain toast.


Like bananas, almonds contain magnesium and are also an excellent source of melatonin.

Enjoy a handful of almonds as a light snack before bed. This delicious treat will help your body relax while satisfying your craving for a snack before bed.

You can consume all of the listed foods at least 1-2 hours before bedtime to avoid discomfort.

Pairing them with complex carbohydrates or lean proteins can also help stabilize blood sugar levels throughout the night, promoting deeper sleep.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Turkey
  2. Salmon
  3. Leafy greens
  4. Cherry
  5. Bananas
  6. Almond