When cooking spaghetti, many people make one big mistake. You probably already guessed what it is - they break the long pasta before putting it in the pot.
Expert of the online publication BelNovosti, chef Yulia Arkhipova explained the reasons that explain the ban imposed on this action.
Firstly, you don’t need to break the spaghetti so that it’s convenient for you to eat the finished dish later.

Short pasta is difficult to wrap around a fork, and it is supposed to be eaten this way – with a fork and spoon, which is needed to prevent the pasta sauce from dripping onto your clothes.
Secondly, broken spaghetti changes its texture and taste.
As a result of a culinary error, the side dish may take on a different shape or be completely overcooked.
Also, because the integrity is compromised, starch is released more intensively, so you risk getting stuck macaroni - such a dish looks very unappetizing.
And thirdly: the people of Italy firmly believe that even accidentally breaking spaghetti can lead to misfortune for the whole family, and intentionally breaking spaghetti is considered a manifestation of evil intent and a desire to harm those for whom the dish is being prepared.