Fried capelin is certainly a tasty dish, but its preparation cannot be called feasible for any housewife, because it is usually accompanied by splashes of fat, a special “aroma” and the need to turn each fish over separately.
How to fix this was explained by the expert of the online publication BelNovosti, chef Yulia Arkhipova , who shared with us a method suitable for frying any small fish.
There is no need to cover the pan with a lid - you will be surprised, but the oil will still not splash in all directions, and the dishes will remain clean.

In addition, the problem of turning over fish one by one will also be a thing of the past for you.
What needs to be done for this?
The answer is simple: before you start frying, place the prepared capelin in one layer on parchment paper, previously greased with vegetable oil.
Then you need to cover the fish with the second half of the parchment and fold the edges.
After this, you can place the fish on high heat (remember, you don’t need a lid) and fry for about 5-6 minutes.
When the bottom of the paper starts to turn brown around the edge, cover the pan with a lid and turn it over so that the parchment with the fish is on the lid of the pan.
All that remains is to put the fish back into the frying pan from the lid and fry for about 4 more minutes. After that, the capelin will be ready.
Earlier we talked about why you should eat fish with lemon.