With a few simple methods, you can reliably whiten plastic.
Marina Michalap bleach plastic tips for housewives Useful tips 19 September 2024Have you ever heard that mayonnaise can be used for cleaning?
Elena Shimanovskaya mayonnaise Useful tips 7 September 2024You probably know that vinegar and lemon juice contain acids that are great at dissolving fat.
Elena Shimanovskaya life hacks tea drink benefits of tea Useful tips 6 September 2024Not everyone knows how to save money on household chemicals without compromising quality.
Marina Michalap household chemicals saving tips for housewives Useful tips 1 September 2024Not everyone knows how to make an excellent dishwashing gel and universal detergent on your own.
Marina Michalap dishwashing liquid cleaning agent Preparing a cleaning agent Useful tips 1 September 2024Not everyone knows how to whiten the seams between tiles.
Marina Michalap inter-tile joints clean the joints between tiles bathroom tiles Useful tips 1 September 2024Not everyone knows how to use citric acid in everyday life.
Marina Michalap citric acid citric acid in everyday life using citric acid Useful tips 31 August 2024How to make a window cleaner from potassium permanganate and fabric softener.
Igor Zur window cleaning without streaks tips for housewives life hacks for housewives Useful tips 31 August 2024Some cleaning habits can cause significant harm to your health.
Marina Michalap cleaning the apartment and cleanliness household chemicals health tips for housewives Useful tips 29 August 2024Not everyone knows how to use dishwashing gel in everyday life.
Marina Michalap dishwashing liquid tips for housewives Useful tips 28 August 2024Not everyone knows how to properly disinfect a floor cleaning bucket and liquid soap dispenser.
Marina Michalap disinfection cleaning the apartment and cleanliness tips for housewives Useful tips 28 August 2024After finishing cleaning the apartment, some housewives come to the following conclusion: "It seems to have become cleaner. But there is still no feeling of perfection."
Kurchev Anton switch refrigerators tips for housewives Useful tips 24 August 2024Not everyone knows how to use ammonia in everyday life.
Marina Michalap ammonia ammonia in everyday life tips for housewives Useful tips 23 August 2024Do you rarely clean your house and go to bed too late? Don't worry! It's quite possible that such behavior is not evidence of laziness and disorganization, but of... a high level of intelligence.
Kurchev Anton bad habits intelligence level of intelligence People and Events 22 August 2024Some cleaning mistakes can make your apartment even dirtier.
Marina Michalap cleaning mistakes cleaning the apartment and cleanliness tips for housewives Useful tips 16 August 2024Not everyone knows how to get rid of unpleasant odors from a carpet using essential oils and baking soda.
Marina Michalap carpet how to clean a carpet Useful tips 10 August 2024Many housewives think that when cleaning their apartment they do not miss a single dirty area. But this is a false impression.
Kurchev Anton dust dust control refrigerators Useful tips 6 August 2024Not everyone knows how to use shampoo while cleaning.
Marina Michalap shampoo shampoo in everyday life tips for housewives Useful tips 3 August 2024Not everyone knows how to use mouthwash at home.
Marina Michalap mouthwash washing Useful tips 30 July 2024Many housewives consider coffee grounds to be waste. And in vain, because the mass left in a cup or in a paper filter can be useful during cleaning.
Kurchev Anton coffee grounds smell in the refrigerator a vessel wooden furniture Useful tips 30 July 2024