Already in early childhood, a child should learn about the existence of “magic” words and phrases that will help him communicate correctly with people.
The child's mother and father should teach him how to pronounce these lines.
The sooner the child learns these words, the better.
And it is important that the child not only formally pronounces these phrases, thereby observing the “ritual”, but also understands the meaning and importance of such remarks.
So, what are the “magic” words that a child should learn as early as possible?
"Thank you"
The child must understand that he must thank people for the help they provide and for the kind words.
The child should know that without this “magic” word he is unlikely to get what he wants from the person.
"I'm sorry"
Explain to your child that he should say this phrase after committing bad deeds.
The child must understand that asking for forgiveness can help him make peace with the interlocutor.
"Bon appetit"
The child should know that saying this phrase before eating together (or before someone else intends to eat alone) is a sign of politeness.
"Be healthy"
Explain to your child that he should say this line immediately after someone sneezes.
At the same time, emphasize: you should only address someone you know this way. You shouldn’t say “be healthy” to a saleswoman or a passerby.