Some parents believe that children should be raised in the same way they were raised.
However, there are educational techniques that are hopelessly outdated.
What was relevant several decades ago can only harm the baby these days.

So, what methods can hardly be called modern?
Punishment for bad grades
This practice should be abandoned. Otherwise, parents will force their child to study solely for grades, and not for knowledge.
Top grades are not always evidence that a student is really getting smarter. In addition, good grades do not guarantee success in life.
To force to finish a dish
Nowadays there is no need for this. After all, there is no shortage of products, and food is stored for quite a long time.
A child should not eat if he is already full. Otherwise, health problems may arise.
"Listen to adults"
Not all adults behave normally.
A child should not have to fulfill all the requests of a person just because he is older.
"Don't express your opinion"
A child should have the opportunity to express his opinion, no matter how primitive and funny it may seem.
Give up the rule "Don't interfere in adult conversations." Otherwise, the child will grow up withdrawn and insecure.
Ban on certain hobbies
Don't forbid your daughter from playing football, explaining that this sport is a "boyish" activity.
Don't forbid your son to draw, even if you consider it a "non-serious" activity.
The child should have the opportunity to demonstrate his or her inclinations and talents.