There are foods that are good to eat on an empty stomach. Naturally, there are also foods that you should stay away from in such circumstances.
Otherwise, you can expect problems with digestion.
Experts have revealed which foods and drinks are not suitable for consumption on an empty stomach.
1. Of all the hot drinks, the most harmful for an empty stomach is coffee.
Excessive use may cause irritation, bloating, nausea.
2. However, tea is not much better in this regard – it also contains caffeine, which irritates the gastric mucosa.
Therefore, it is recommended to eat something for breakfast or drink herbal tea.
3. Next on the list are carbonated drinks, especially sweet ones.
Gas bubbles cause discomfort, belching and other unpleasant sensations, and sugar can cause changes in the composition of the blood.
4. It is also not recommended to drink juices on an empty stomach.
1. Among the first are citrus fruits, which are rich in acid, which irritates the gastrointestinal mucosa and can cause heartburn and other symptoms.
Foods rich in carbohydrates can absorb some of the acid in the stomach and reduce discomfort.
2. Spicy foods on an empty stomach can cause an upset stomach and diarrhea, and all because the body decides that something harmful has entered the stomach.
This speeds up digestion in order to remove the irritant.
3. Sweets can be the culprit behind a spike in insulin and blood sugar levels.
4. Yogurt may pose a risk to people who are sensitive to lactic acid.
In addition, high acidity reduces the effectiveness of probiotics and makes yogurt less beneficial.
5. Fatty and fried foods round out the list of harmful foods. The body needs more time to digest them.
In addition, food can cause pain and discomfort in the abdomen and contribute to the development of acid reflux.