Contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary to take 10,000 steps a day.
To maintain health, 5-7.5 thousand steps a day are quite enough.
General practitioner Natalia Leontyeva spoke about this.

The expert refuted the myth about 10,000 steps in a conversation with the news agency .
How many steps to take per day
As Leontyeva explained, the idea of 10,000 steps appeared in Japan in the 1960s.
A local company, Yamasa Clock, has released a pedometer called Manpo-kei, or “10,000 Step Meter.”
The number was chosen simply because it sounded good and was easy to remember.
At that time, there were no large-scale studies conducted to support the use of such a number of steps, the doctor explained.
In her opinion, taking 10,000 steps every day is not at all necessary.
It is enough to take 5 to 7.5 thousand steps a day, the specialist clarified.
According to her, it is not only the number of steps that matters, but also the speed of walking.
“It’s better to walk at a fast pace, ” Leontyeva recommended.