What is visceral fat: where to look and how to get rid of the "accumulations"

16.02.2024 14:08

Nutritionists sometimes use concepts that are difficult for the average person to grasp. In particular, when talking about the problem of visceral fat, experts forget to explain what it is and where to look for it.

We will tell you about the problem in detail and remind you how to get rid of deposits.

What is visceral fat

These are deposits in the abdominal cavity.

The problem is that fat deposits are adjacent to organs such as the liver, stomach, and intestines, and cannot help but affect their normal functioning.

It occurs in all those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, love fast food and sweets, and also due to stress and lack of sleep.

Photo: Pixabay

The trouble is that fat can accumulate even in those with relatively small bellies.

What is the danger?

Visceral fat provokes inflammation, complex diseases and is considered particularly dangerous.

It should not be confused with subcutaneous fat, which comes as quickly as it goes.

How to detect the problem

It is enough to simply measure the waist. On average, anything up to 85 cm is considered normal for women. For men, 90 cm. Anything above this indicator indicates a problem.

How to fight

1. It is best to contact a specialist with this problem.

2. Then you need to choose and follow a balanced diet, drink more warm water.

3. Skipping breakfast or having a late breakfast is considered a mistake. Ideally, include proteins and complex carbohydrates in your diet and eat before 9 a.m.

4. In addition to a proper diet, you need to start moving more, doing exercises that strengthen your abdominal muscles, walking, and having dinner no later than three hours before going to bed.

Earlier we talked about how to eat honey to get its benefits .

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. What is visceral fat
  2. What is the danger?
  3. How to detect the problem
  4. How to fight