What foods are best for thinning blood and cleaning blood vessels from blood clots

14.05.2023 06:50

Vascular thrombosis is a dangerous condition that can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

There are many medications that thin the blood and prevent blood clots. But can you achieve the same effect with natural, organic remedies?

It is known that each medicine has a wide range of side effects. But what if we look for such means among products?

It was not for nothing that ancient doctors spoke about food being a medicine. Of course, food cannot cure thrombosis.

But the right foods provide the human body with all the necessary nutrients so that it can function normally. Much depends on what we eat. What components of our food counteract vascular thrombosis?

Photo: © Belnovosti


Strictly speaking, water is not a product. But it serves as a basis for various drinks, juices, compotes, decoctions, and so on.

Dehydration leads to thickening of the blood, which greatly increases the risk of blood clots. Therefore, maintaining a drinking regime will be the basis for preventing thrombosis.

When body temperature rises, in hot climates, or when working in high temperature conditions, increased sweating occurs and dehydration may occur.

That is why in the situations described, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids. You should pay attention to such a blood test indicator as hematocrit. If it is elevated, it means that the body is dehydrated. You need to urgently correct the situation by replenishing the water balance and observing the drinking regime.


Spices and seasonings not only give food a special taste. Some of them have medicinal properties, which are close to medical drugs in their effect. Of course, spices will not replace prescribed medications, but they will support their effect and have a preventive effect.


Garlic normalizes lipid metabolism and prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels. It is known that blood clots are most often formed in areas of cholesterol deposits. If the vessels are clean, there is no basis for the formation of blood clots.


The substance piperine contained in pepper prevents platelet aggregation. Blood viscosity decreases, and the probability of blood clots forming in vessels becomes much lower.


Ginger root contains coumarin compounds that thin the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots. Ginger improves metabolism, its use is an excellent prevention of vascular atherosclerosis, against which blood clots occur.


Curcumin, contained in the spice, reduces the level of low-density lipoproteins ("bad cholesterol") in the blood, therefore preventing the formation of plaques in the vessels. Like piperine, it inhibits the formation of blood clots. The combined use of pepper and turmeric enhances this effect.

Fruits and berries


Pineapples contain the enzyme bromelain, which prevents the formation of blood clots. Pineapple also normalizes lipid (fat) metabolism.


Punicalagin and punicic acid are found in pomegranates and resist thrombosis no worse than medicinal preparations, differing from them in their natural origin. Pomegranates also contain ascorbic acid, which is important for vascular health.


Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and flavonoids, which are part of citrus fruits, strengthen the vascular wall, and the fruits themselves are juicy, contain a lot of liquid, which will reduce blood viscosity.


Raspberries are not called natural aspirin for nothing, they contain a substance that thins the blood. But unlike aspirin, which irritates the gastric mucosa, natural components of raspberries have no side effects.

Thus, knowing which foods and spices cleanse the blood of blood clots, you can include them in your diet for preventive purposes.

Elena Gutyro Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor

  1. Water
  2. Spices
  3. Garlic
  4. Pepper
  5. Ginger
  6. Turmeric
  7. Fruits and berries
  8. Pineapple
  9. Pomegranate
  10. Citrus
  11. Raspberry