Horseradish and 5 reasons to put it on the table more often as an appetizer

20.02.2023 06:50
Updated: 14.04.2023 04:26

Horseradish appetizer is considered traditional in Russia and Belarus. With borscht or aspic, on black bread, with smoked products, it shows its aromatic and gustatory qualities. And horseradish with beets or in a solo version is a storehouse of benefits for the body.

Natural antibiotic

The most valuable substance in horseradish is sinigrin. It is what gives the plant its specific taste and aroma. It also produces sodium isothiocyanate, a natural antibiotic.

It fights fungi and bacteria, has the property of warming up the body, removing phlegm. Horseradish stimulates the digestive system, normalizes the gallbladder, improves metabolic processes. The substance acts as a natural preservative in dishes.

Source of microelements and vitamins

Horseradish irritates the taste buds with its appetizing smell and spicy taste. It is a rich source of many nutrients such as vitamin A, E, P, K, PP, group B, magnesium, sulfur, iodine, phosphorus, calcium, etc.

Horseradish contains more vitamin C than lemon. This is because the plant's edible roots are underground and are not oxidized by ultraviolet rays. To get all the benefits from the product, you need to serve fresh horseradish that has not been processed at high temperatures.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Restoration of skin

The rich composition of the plant has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. In this case, the fresh root should not only be taken internally, but also used externally.

The root, crushed to a pulp, should be diluted with water and used to wash your face and rinse your scalp. This simple recipe will eliminate the problem of active secretion of sebum, pigment spots and freckles. Horseradish will also help get rid of acne by disinfecting the skin.

Relief of pain syndromes

Horseradish was a pain reliever long before people discovered its culinary abilities. The rich composition can strengthen the cardiovascular system, normalize digestion, improve blood circulation. It has a diuretic effect and can work as a detoxifier. But horseradish is especially good as a pain reliever. The root is used to relieve painful symptoms of joint disease, muscle strain, menstrual pain.

Low calorie

To actively lose weight, but at the same time eat tasty and varied food, you need to add horseradish to your diet. 100 g of the product contains 70 kcal. It is worth clarifying that it is impossible to eat such a portion at once, which makes the product even more useful.

Horseradish is a good addition to vegetables, fish, meat. It will allow you to reduce food consumption, without using sauces with preservatives, salt and refined sugar with a high fat content in your meal.

Horseradish as a snack is a simple way to diversify the taste of prepared dishes, as well as to improve the health of the body, replenishing its reserves of vitamins, microelements, and tannins.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Natural antibiotic
  2. Source of microelements and vitamins
  3. Restoration of skin
  4. Relief of pain syndromes
  5. Low calorie