Everyone has heard about the existence of the kefir diet. At first glance, drinking kefir cannot bring anything bad to the body.
This is true, but not the whole truth. That is why doctors consider it their duty to warn about the consequences of such a diet.
In an interview with RIA Novosti, Yulia Pigareva, head of the clinical dietetics department at the V. V. Vinogradov City Clinical Hospital and candidate of medical sciences, spoke about what modern doctors think about popular diets.
According to supporters of the diet, the course is designed for seven days.
The main diet during the week is kefir. Along with it, you can eat chicken breast (boiled), apples, eggs (boiled), cottage cheese and vegetables.
In extreme cases, it is recommended to consume only kefir.
The professional warns that all the permitted products of this diet do not allow this diet to be called a kefir diet.
It would be correct to call it a low-carbohydrate diet, and the expert does not see anything negative in this type of diet.
But I have a negative opinion of mono-diets that include only kefir for seven days, because during this period a person does not receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, warns Pigareva.
Therefore, the expert recommends the kefir diet only for fasting days, which can be arranged once a month.
Earlier we told you what ice cream to eat if you want to lose weight .