Fish Named That You Can Eat Safely on a Diet: Forget About Counting Calories

26.06.2024 21:00

Anyone who has had to lose weight according to the rules knows that in the fight against extra pounds, every calorie must be counted.

But giving up food can sometimes be unbearably difficult, especially since nutritionists do not bless fasting and mono-diets.

When on a diet, you can eat fish, or more precisely tuna, without any particular fear, KubNews reports, citing expert Alina Morozova.

Tuna on a diet

This type of fish is characterized by low fat content and high protein levels – approximately 24 g of protein per 100 g of product.

As you know, when losing weight, it is important to burn fat and maintain muscle mass, which is exactly what protein provides.

Photo: Pixabay

Like any sea fish, tuna contains vitamin D, selenium and omega-3.

All of this has a positive effect on bone health, immunity, heart health and overall well-being.

Considering that diets often involve deficiencies in certain nutrients, there is little to no need to worry about nutrient deficiencies when eating this fish.

Fish will help in the fight against excess weight and minimize the risk of inflammation in the body.

Earlier we talked about whether it is possible to eat watermelon with seeds .

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor