According to researchers, the number of years a person lives in this world depends on the presence of bad habits, ecology and nutrition.
Future long-livers should pay special attention to their diet. Before including something healthy in the lunch menu, you need to exclude everything harmful from it.
Let's find out what foods should not be included in the diet of those who want to live to 100 years.
But mainly white pasta, which nutritionists call refined carbohydrates. And a high carbohydrate content in the diet increases the risk of inflammation in the body.
This refers to store-bought juices that contain a lot of sugar. They provoke the development of chronic diseases, which affects life expectancy.
It is recommended to consume in moderation or even in minimal quantities.
It is believed that the product contributes to the development of dental problems, heart disease, and cancer, all due to the high sugar content.
Store-bought baked goods contain large amounts of trans fats, which, according to recent studies, have been found to be harmful to health.
Not just sausage, but hot dogs and any red meat that has undergone deep processing. Associated with a high risk of lung and colon cancer.
Earlier we told you why you shouldn’t eat potatoes while losing weight.