Weight Loss Myths: Prohibitions and Restrictions It's Time to Stop Believing

28.02.2024 19:31

There are many myths associated with dieting and losing weight. The most popular one is related to time frames that limit food intake.

It turns out that many of these claims are not entirely true. Perhaps that is why the diet does not bring the desired results.

Experts have revealed which myths it’s time to stop believing.

You can't eat after 6:00 pm

It is advisable to eat 3 hours before going to bed, but this statement does not apply to those who are not planning to lose weight.

Fat is not allowed

In fact, there are healthy fats. For example, cheese contains milk fat, which helps remove excess accumulated fat from the body.

Photo: Pixabay

As for omega-3, without them it is difficult to maintain healthy hair, nails and skin in general.

No sweets allowed

Sugar does not promote weight loss, but this does not mean that you need to eliminate sugar substitutes along with it.

Lose weight without exercise

Those who want to lose weight should put a calorie deficit first, and proper nutrition second. Sports and an active lifestyle are in third place.

But you shouldn’t think that you can lose weight just as effectively without doing sports.

Previously, we talked about how to overcome sugar addiction .

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. You can't eat after 6:00 pm
  2. Fat is not allowed
  3. No sweets allowed
  4. Lose weight without exercise

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