Nutritionist Olga Besedina explained why people continue to gain weight despite diets, exercise and healthy eating

23.02.2023 13:30

Almost the entire weight loss and healthy lifestyle sphere is marketing. It works with consequences - excess weight.

Olga Besedina, nutritionist and fitness trainer, explained why people continue to gain weight despite diets, sports and proper nutrition.

But no one sees the main reason for obesity. That is why people continue to gain weight despite diets, sports and "proper nutrition".

How do healthy lifestyle enthusiasts and nutritionists usually advise losing weight? Eliminate "harmful" foods, count calories, eat healthy food, go on diets. But it doesn't work.

After all, the reason for being overweight is not in the products. But in eating habits, in a person's attitude to food. And all this is laid down in childhood.

Photo: Pixabay

For example, the habit of “eating away stress” is formed when parents calm a child with sweets.

The habit of "finishing food" arises if a child was brought up with phrases such as "if you don't finish it, you won't leave the table", "you'll leave your strength at the bottom", "for mom, for dad". And then the person simply doesn't feel full. He eats until he's eaten everything or until he feels heaviness and overeating.

For some, food becomes a symbol of well-being (if there were hungry times in childhood). Some perceive food as a way to distract themselves from boredom. And some eat "for company", to be in a group.

And what's the point of prohibitions? Prohibitions lead to only one thing: breakdowns. After all, when you prohibit, you want even more. The desire develops into a "craving" that can no longer be tolerated, and as a result - a breakdown. Then a feeling of guilt, binges on this background, decreased self-esteem, and so on.

Counting calories is also not a solution. Imagine: you count every crumb, weigh it to the gram, write it down in a diary. And everything seems fine. But then evening comes.

You are tired at work, someone stepped on your foot in public transport, your child got a bad grade… You come home and “calm” yourself in the usual way: with food.

And what's the point of counting your food all day? None! You still overate. Because you have a habit of "calming yourself with food." Therefore, in order to lose weight, it is important to change your eating habits. Learn to listen to your body and take care of yourself. And not torture yourself with diets and prohibitions.

This, by the way, is the answer to "why are there so many obese children today?" Because the family's eating style = the child's eating style.

It is extremely important to develop a healthy attitude towards food in people. To raise the culture of food in the country. And then parents will instill in their children not negative eating habits, but slimming habits.

Only when healthy eating habits are passed down from generation to generation can the problem of obesity disappear.

Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor