How to fight emotional burnout: advice from psychologist Stanislav Sambursky

12.10.2023 19:15

Emotional burnout is a dangerous phenomenon that prevents a person from finding time to rest and makes them forget about themselves. Every day it claims more and more victims. Its harm is not realized.

Management is pleased to see how subordinates zealously fulfill their duties and stay at work longer than required. Yes, there are people whose individual characteristics motivate them to work on a project until it is completed. After a long-awaited victory, they "exhale" and happily go into replenishment mode. But there are those who manage their time unwisely and quickly burn out, says psychologist Stanislav Sambursky .

With high performance, one must not forget about rest, health and daily routine. It is known: ignoring physiological needs is dangerous. It promises a loss of vitality.

Sometimes the desire to work hard comes from childhood. Many families are built on the principle: whoever does not work, does not eat, and everyone must be busy with something. In such an environment, even the idleness of children seems like a crime. Obviously, in adulthood, such a person will have almost no free time. He will not be able to understand, much less allow himself to lie on the couch for half a day, watching TV.

Such a colleague is admired and looked up to. But no one guesses that a workaholic without rest is an unhappy person. His life is a continuous pattern: work - home, home - work.


Maybe deep down inside he really wants to give up everything and do what he loves. Something he wanted to make a reality before, but then everything went wrong: instead of satisfaction, there is routine and professional burnout.

Later comes the realization that life is lived somehow wrong, that every day there is stress, irritation, indignation and fatigue. It is quite difficult to figure out where the roots are growing from on your own.

If you realize that you are in a gloomy, exhausted state called emotional burnout, contact a specialist. Correct and timely therapy will help you avoid serious problems and maintain your health.

Sports, yoga, dancing and other physical activities are also a miracle cure in this situation. They help to relax in cases where emotional exhaustion is a consequence of external factors: tragedy, loss, separation, etc.

Sports activities are good for talking to yourself, realizing your true desires, goals, and needs. Usually, they do not coincide with the expectations of family members, friends, and colleagues. But it does not matter, because the main thing is to realize them and hear your inner voice.

Belnovosti Author: Belnovosti Editing of the Internet portal