The most expensive cheese in the world is produced in Serbia and is called Pule - 1000 euros per kilo.
Igor Zur world records Guinness Book of Records interesting facts Records and anti-records 21 November 2024On Friday, November 1, a concrete structure collapsed at the railway station in Novi Sad.
Kurchev Anton Serbia News a tragedy Alexander Lukashenko Alexander Vucic condolences Politics 2 November 2024The reason for the conversation was the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belgrade in World War II.
Kurchev Anton Serbia News Alexander Vucic Vladimir Putin Russia conversation Politics 20 October 2024The head of the Serbian state said that he would not do this for anything in the world.
Timur Khomichev Alexander Vucic Ukraine Serbia News Ukraine News fighters In the world 27 September 2024According to Vulin, Belgrade should adhere to military neutrality and reforms that are in its interests.
Timur Khomichev Russia EU | European Union Serbia News News of Russia EU News In the world 15 September 2024Thousands of women around the world are big fans of long hair.
Elena Shimanovskaya record hair Guinness Book of Records hairdresser Serbia News Records and anti-records 6 April 2023