The beneficial properties of banana have long made it a cult among gardeners and florists.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners life hacks growing roses summer cottage tricks Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 December 2024Cuttings of the Decembrist are an easy way to propagate your favorite indoor plant.
Elena Shimanovskaya Decembrist cuttings indoor flowers Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 February 2024If you are going to propagate currants using the cutting method, do not forget that this plant is quite capricious.
Elena Shimanovskaya currant cuttings Garden and Vegetable Garden 7 February 2024Since many gardeners and vegetable growers prefer natural plant care products, they are constantly looking for new combinations and recipes.
Elena Shimanovskaya cuttings honey Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 February 2024Experienced gardeners know: if the first frosts come, it’s time to start preparing cuttings, which you will need in the spring when grafting.
Elena Shimanovskaya now trees Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 December 2023