People who are faced with serious problems try to adapt and reduce the level of emotional stress.
To do this, they, that is, we, use a variety of strategies. For example, they try to find someone to blame for the current situation.
Psychologists believe that such behavior will not lead to anything good.

This approach does not help resolve conflicts and does not contribute to feeling comfortable.
Instead, finding someone to blame only multiplies hatred, narrows the focus of attention and does not allow one to consider the problem from all sides. Moreover, as a result, the personal condition also worsens.
Often the result is anxiety, depression and communication problems.
Other equally ineffective strategies for dealing with stress include self-blame, catastrophizing, and rumination, when a “chewing gum” of thoughts and feelings is constantly spinning in your head.
But if there are bad ways, there will also be good ways.
For example, to adapt and restore lost mental balance, you can accept the situation, that is, come to terms with it. Only then will you be able to act rationally.
Another good way is to focus on planning. This means filling your head with thoughts of what specific steps you need to take to deal with the negativity that has befallen you.
Instead of thinking about the bad, immerse yourself in thoughts about the pleasant - this way you will be able to abstract yourself from the negative, which is especially useful in those cases when you are powerless to do anything.
Finally, put the event into perspective - think about similar troubles in the past and what is good in your present.