Even if you have a bad morning, it doesn't mean your whole day will be ruined.
Bad mood can be caused by a variety of reasons, but most often it is our reaction to stress.
Usually, it is used by our body to prepare it to meet a threat. But if the reaction is delayed, it begins to affect cognitive functions. As a result, it becomes difficult for a person to make decisions or cope with their responsibilities.
But you don't have to rely on your stress response - you can work with it instead.
Change your physiology
To influence the nervous system and hormones that are associated with the stress response, you can activate the parasympathetic nervous system.
The 4-7-8 breathing technique will help you with this: inhale for a count of four, then hold your breath for a count of seven and exhale for a count of eight.
Walking in the fresh air, meditating, drawing, listening to music and other low-stimulation activities help reboot the nervous system.
Additionally, you can exercise, hug a loved one, or play with a pet to increase your levels of serotonin, oxytocin, or endorphins.
Change your environment
Working hard or doing chores while overcoming your bad mood is not a good idea. It is much better to change your location: in your apartment you can go to another room, in the office you can visit the staff lounge or go outside to give your brain a “reboot”.
Identify the problem
Answer the question about what is bothering you as honestly as possible - after that, it will be easier for you to solve the problem that worries you or come to terms with circumstances that you cannot change.