5 Signs That Will Help You Understand Whether You Have High or Low Self-Esteem

10.11.2024 17:59

Self-esteem is the most important aspect of a person’s psychological state, which influences their attitude towards themselves, others and life in general.

It is important to be able to recognize the signs of low and high self-esteem in order to promptly adjust your attitude towards yourself and others, as well as understand how personality traits can affect the quality of life and personal achievements.

In this text, together with psychologist Ksenia Matur, we will look at the main signs that help distinguish low self-esteem from high self-esteem.

Photo: Pixabay

He thinks about what others will think of him, he is afraid of criticism and condemnation from others

That is why such people often choose the interests of other people, not their own, follow other people's advice and instructions. They believe that other people are better, they know more and you need to do as they say.

There is no internal support and faith in oneself, no reliance on one's own opinion, no trust in oneself. They always live with an eye on others, as if they are constantly looking around in search of an approving or critical look.

They constantly need someone who will “allow” them, “approve” of their opinion and choice. They often take their girlfriends with them on shopping trips so that they can help them decide on a thing, when making any decisions – they also consult with relatives and friends.

Criticism and self-criticism, over-judging oneself and others

The desire to "beat yourself up" with or without reason. For example, when something didn't go as you planned - the inner voice says: "How so? Couldn't you have tried harder?", "Well, as always" and so on.

This also includes criticism and evaluation, discussing other people. When you see flaws in other people and start discussing and condemning them, this is always a sign of low self-esteem.

I am so insecure about myself that it is easier for me to belittle and judge another person and, as a result, feel a little cooler.

They don't know what they want

Not knowing your desires also speaks of low self-esteem, since there is such a strong fear and self-doubt inside that it is difficult to even understand what you want, and in general to allow yourself to want something.

The absence of desires shows that a person lives the life of another and serves the desires of others. All these are consequences of the absence of an inner core and low self-esteem.

Fear of new things, new jobs, new places, events and occasions

Everything new causes anxiety and rejection, constant doubts about the correctness of the decision.

Insecure people are afraid of making mistakes, so they try not to try new things, not to start anything, not to get involved in new projects.

It is difficult for them to change jobs, meet new people, speak in public, or start their own business.

Increased anxiety

Constant background anxiety, endless doubts and insecurity also indicate low self-esteem.

When a person is worried with or without reason, he feels as if he is in zero gravity, he does not feel support or self-confidence.

Constant anxiety exhausts a person, so it is especially important to work on your self-esteem and cultivate your self-worth.

Valeria Kisternaya Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor

Beautiful (Sysoeva) Ksenia Expert: Beautiful (Sysoeva) Ksenia 

  1. He thinks about what others will think of him, he is afraid of criticism and condemnation from others
  2. Criticism and self-criticism, over-judging oneself and others
  3. They don't know what they want
  4. Fear of new things, new jobs, new places, events and occasions
  5. Increased anxiety

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