In any relationship, difficult issues can arise, so it is important to follow certain rules of healthy communication.
Knowing the phrases that you shouldn't say will make it easier for you to have a conversation. Psychologist Ksenia Matur will tell you about them.
And here is my mom/ex…
No one ever likes comparison. Especially if this comparison is not in a person's favor. Comparison always has a negative impact on a person's self-esteem and, as a result, has a negative impact on relationships.

Never compare a woman with anyone, she is unique, and your task is to emphasize this and say it more often. Believe me, you will see positive changes in your relationship.
Decide for yourself!
Psychologically, a woman always expects care, support and a sense of security in a relationship. Any woman is pleased when a man takes on physically difficult tasks and concerns for her.
Or adequately responds to requests, for example, "let's think about how we can solve this" or "I will solve this issue." The most important thing is that in a relationship and in difficult moments, a woman is not left alone.
You have gained weight / lost weight / aged
For a woman, appearance is a very important area of life, and in relation to her body and appearance, a woman is vulnerable and can easily be offended by a caustic remark.
Your caustic and rude instructions will not bring any benefit and will not motivate a woman to take care of herself, as many people think. On the contrary, it will ruin her mood and your relationship.
It is important for any person to be accepted as he is, and not to be rubbed in the nose with his shortcomings. Your tactless remark may be subjective, but in reality, everything is fine with the woman's appearance.
It's none of your business / I don't have to report to you
If you are in a relationship, it means that you have a responsibility towards each other, it is important to share your plans and agree on time to spend, weekends, vacations. Unfortunately, if you live each on your own and have little common activities and mutual respect, you are not in a relationship.
Don't bother me / we've already talked about this / I don't want to talk about it anymore
Pure devaluation and abrupt withdrawal from contact, which will not improve your relationship either. Respect and the ability to listen and hear each other are important for healthy and happy relationships.
So be considerate of each other and give your partner a chance to speak out, even if you think you've covered everything. Perhaps a woman's perception of the matter is different and she has something else to say.