Psychologist Ekaterina Bykon told how to improve relations with your husband

06.09.2023 17:50

Relationships with a partner can be a source of joy and support, but sometimes they can cause misunderstandings and conflicts.

Psychologist Ekaterina Bykon told how to improve relations with your husband.

How to improve your relationship with your husband is a question that worries many. Let's discuss some important steps that can help you improve your intimacy and understanding in your relationship.

Communication. One of the key aspects of a healthy relationship is open and honest communication. Try to listen to each other carefully and express your feelings and needs.

Effective communication helps resolve conflicts and strengthen mutual understanding.

Photo: Pixabay

Respect. Respect for your partner’s personal space and opinion is the foundation of a strong relationship. Remember that each person is unique and your views may differ. This is normal, and it is important to respect the differences.

Time Together: Modern life can be very busy, but having time for quality time together is essential.

These are moments when you can strengthen your bond, discuss important issues, and simply enjoy each other's company.

Conflict resolution. Conflicts are inevitable, but it is important to learn how to resolve them constructively. Try to avoid criticism and accusations, instead focus on finding solutions and compromises.

When discussing difficult topics, try to use "I-messages". "I-messages" (or "I-messages") is a communication method used in psychology and communication to express one's own feelings, thoughts and needs without blaming or criticizing another person.

This method is designed to improve the quality of communication and help resolve conflicts in a more constructive and empathetic manner. I-messages are often used in the context of non-violent communication (NVC) skills and have the following structure:

**I-observation**: A description of a situation or specific behavior that makes you feel or think a certain way. This should be a neutral, non-judgmental description of the facts. For example, "I saw you come home late yesterday."

Support. Support from your husband and your support for him is an important aspect of the relationship. Be a support for each other during difficult times and support your common goals and interests.

Shared Hobbies: Shared interests and hobbies help strengthen intimacy. Spending time together doing shared hobbies can strengthen your bond.

Professional Help: Sometimes, resolving relationship problems may require the help of a professional, such as a psychologist or marriage counselor.

Don't hesitate to ask for help if you are facing serious difficulties.

Remember that relationships require effort and attention from both partners. No relationship is perfect, but with joint efforts and understanding you can create a strong and harmonious union.

Valeria Kisternaya Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor