The most important issue in a relationship according to a conflictologist

25.08.2023 15:50

The role of questions in human interaction is difficult to overestimate. They are responsible for the foundation of foundations - the exchange of information.

What makes you happy at a particular moment? Why? A question-request for a situational check of the partner's mental well-being.

This question clarifies the main points of what makes your partner happy right here and now with you. It is important to know this in order to collect information about the partner's preferences and self-perception in a relationship specifically with you, says conflictologist Gleb Trufanov.

The question of why suggests formulating emotional series into a specific thought and then into words, thereby revealing those features of your behavior with your partner that attract him to you and make your relationship meaningful.

What makes you happy at a particular moment? Why? This question allows you to understand in the moment what present makes your partner happy and what future with you he/she expects.

Photo: Pixabay

You should analyze your partner's feedback and try to build a holistic picture of your relationship in the context of your and your partner's expectations.

The main problem in relationships is incompatibility. But this concept is very broad. And really, what is incompatibility?!

This is a conflict of expectations and needs, that is, the impossibility of satisfying the needs and achieving the interests of one partner without harming those of the other.

Harmonious relationships are the movement of two different people, but together. Therefore, such questions are of great importance for building harmonious relationships and checking for compatibility.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor