Psychologist Rishat Zarayev explained what a family is

04.07.2023 20:44

There are legal and general definitions.

Psychologist Rishat Zarayev explained what a family is.

Let's understand in plain language what it is. And why it is important to form families.

Family, in our understanding, is a community based on the marriage of spouses. Marriage is a key condition for creating a family through the registration of a civil status act.

In addition to spouses, a family also includes children. Single children who have not formed their own families.

Photo: Pixabay

In traditional families, spouses-parents are the connecting link for children. Parents form spiritual ties. Determine the commonality of everyday life.

They form rules of conduct in the family. They distribute mutual moral responsibility.

An ancient Chinese proverb says: “If you want to defeat your enemy, educate his children.”

And this is really so. It is enough to implant in the heads of the younger members of the family - children opposite postulates of perception, to create the preconditions for the destruction of the family. The consequences of the destruction of families are colossal.

Lacking a developed healthy worldview based on common sense, children in single-parent families become easy prey for involvement in criminal activity.

It becomes very easy to instill in children elements that will lead to their further moral decay.

Children who have no way to turn to their parents are forced to make decisions that are not based on the experience of those people who truly want the best for them. Only parents can be such people.

It would be more correct to say not just "parents", but "Dad" and "Mom". The male and female psyche structures are strikingly different.

A child who receives full communication with his parents, growing up in an atmosphere of tender love from his mother and sometimes strict love from his father, develops into a full-fledged personality.

A person capable of giving love and protecting themselves and their loved ones. The child develops the ability to effectively interact with society for the benefit of themselves and society itself.

"What is a family?" is not a question for one article. A ten-volume book could be written on this topic.

It is important to remember the main thing. Family is not only "Dad, Mom, children". Family is mutual assistance, shared joy of being and huge opportunities for the psyche of any person in terms of protection from the aggression of the outside world.

Remember. If you don't raise your children, someone else will. And it won't be you. Appreciate and love your families, invest yourself and your time in them, be happy.

Valeria Kisternaya Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor