Psychologist Tatyana Peryakova told how to make a man fall in love with you: advice

27.06.2023 18:26

As a relationship psychologist, I can say that there is no magic pill or one piece of advice here.

Psychologist Tatyana Peryakova told how to make a man fall in love with you: advice.

The process of falling in love with another person, in particular a man, is multi-stage. And depends on many things (factors).

But the very first thing is that a woman should please a man in appearance! So that from the very first time he could not take his eyes off her.

So that it would be his type of female appearance and behavior, the sound of the voice. All this is at the level of aesthetic preferences and physical attraction. At the level of pheromones, if you like...

Further, if outwardly this is his woman, then it is important that it is pleasant to be around her. So that he does not want to leave her for a long time.

Listen to her pleasant voice, watch the smooth movements of her body, observe the facial expressions and emotions on her face. Listen to her pleasant speech...

Photo: Pixabay

And here, of course, manners play a decisive role. It is unlikely that rude behavior in the unisex style or swearing will attract attention!

And also disparaging conversations or comments addressed to someone. At the beginning of acquaintance a man seems to "scan a woman" and look closely at her.

And if it’s pleasant to be with her, then this is already a great chance to make a man fall in love with you.

Next, a woman should be interesting as a person. With her own interests, hobbies, social circle, friends. That is, it is important not to dissolve in a partner.

And to have her own space, where she likes to be and communicate with other people. It is important that a woman knows how to occupy herself with interesting things. And that for a man she is always "a little bit short".

Then the man will feel a slight lack of communication with her. And will always wait for a new meeting.

It is important for a man to see that a woman is in self-development. Whether it is studying or an interesting job where she is inspired by her work.

That is, it is important for a man to have an interesting and valuable person next to him, and not just a woman with a pleasant appearance.

Such a woman knows how to maintain interesting conversations. It will be prestigious to feel with her in the company of friends or other people.

One of the important things that men pay attention to is also how you feel about your boundaries. And how you can protect yourself if something in the relationship offends you or you don’t like it!

Men respect the strength of spirit in a woman. And they value a partner who values herself and understands how to treat her and how not to.

Of course, it is also important for a man to feel needed and valuable in a relationship. Therefore, respond to his initiatives to help you in some way, to support you.

And don't forget to thank the man, and sometimes give compliments of appreciation. Men love compliments addressed to them. But it must be sincere and to the point!

And it would be clear what you praise him for. For example, he is so smart, because you have never heard such stories about galaxies.

Or he has a talent for cooking, because today he surprised you with a great spaghetti. Or he is so strong, because you see his physique with pumped up muscles in the gym.

Praise the man, but do not overpraise him, so that it does not seem artificial on your part.

As a relationship psychologist, I can say that emotional closeness in a couple is very important. And if you share emotions, are sincere and spontaneous sometimes, then this is a big plus.

Human openness attracts! And frequent female coldness and indifferent masks on the face, on the contrary, cause rejection.

I want to share a little secret of a psychologist. It is good if in your couple there will be moments of small tests that you have gone through together. Let it be even a small test.

For example, you solved some difficult and exciting situation together. This will bring you much closer. And for a man it will be a reason to become attached to you.

And finally, about sexual intimacy. I will not say on which date it is better to have sex. Here everything is up to you. But as a psychologist I want to point out one thing.

A quick sexual intimacy leads to a quick victory for a man in winning you as a woman. And if the main trophy is in hand on the first dates, then it is not so interesting to develop the relationship further.

And the saddest thing is that at the beginning of meetings, that emotional closeness with a woman that makes a couple close at the level of the soul, and not just the body, does not have time to develop.

And if this emotional closeness is not yet there, then the woman is not so dear to the man. And it is not so sad to lose the relationship with her, even if there was sex.

After the beginning of an intimate relationship, a woman becomes more vulnerable and vulnerable. And if there is no emotional closeness, then her partner can hurt her.

Therefore, dear women, strengthen your closeness with a man first on an emotional level. And then you can get closer physically.

In this case, the man will be more reverent towards his partner. And will cherish her after sexual intimate moments. Because he has already become attached not only with his body, but also with his soul.

So, dear women, here are the main points on how to be loved in a relationship with a man. Love and be loved!

Valeria Kisternaya Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor