How to Gracefully Get Out of a Love Triangle

06.04.2023 08:15
Updated: 15.04.2023 01:49

She, she and he - this is what a typical love triangle usually looks like. Although sometimes there is another combination: two men and one woman.

But whatever the composition of this figure, it is best to come out of such a situation very confidently and elegantly.

This mainly concerns the side of the victim (wife), as well as the side of the accepting traitor (mistress). Still, a non-standard triangle is much less common.

But first, a little about the methods that are better not to use, warns the expert of the online publication "Belnovosti" Pavel Rakov , a psychologist, coach, creator of the cult training "In fact, I'm smart, but I live like a fool."

Of course, you shouldn't take revenge. This cold dish will only take away your energy, which could be used to restore such a relationship. Besides, experience shows that revenge has never brought complete satisfaction to anyone.

young woman
Photo: Pixabay

Many representatives of the fair sex are tempted to leave everything unchanged in a love triangle. Maybe it will somehow resolve itself.

Both the wife and the mistress think so. But you shouldn't take a passive, contemplative position.

Firstly, trust in your partner evaporates at the speed of light, and without it, the relationship sooner or later falls apart. Secondly, you will torment yourself with thoughts, how is the cheater doing? Is he doing well with his wife? And how is it with his mistress? What are they doing? And the images that arise in your imagination will only bring you mental pain.

There is no point in desperately fighting for a cheater, whether you are a wife or a mistress. Especially by resorting to tears, hysterics, and also by inciting children. "Why do you need a man who has already betrayed you?" - this is the question a wife should ask herself. "Why do I need a man who betrays his legal wife and children?" - this is what a rival should think about. In any case, you will have to rebuild the relationship anew, but it will be much more difficult with lost trust. Outbursts of jealousy and attempts to control the partner are possible. Rarely does anyone manage to build a truly happy life with a cheater.

And now about elegant and effective ways to get out of a love triangle.

1. In all four directions

What if you just let the adventurer go his own way? This mainly concerns the victim, that is, the wife. You shouldn't fight for the cheater, persuade him to save the family, manipulate the children. Freedom to the free! The sooner you send him to the bachelor camp, the easier it is for you.

There will be time to recover and find a new worthy partner. The main thing is, after a breakup, do not follow the life of the one who hurt you. Feel free to delete this person from messengers and social networks, do not react to his attempts to return. There is only one exception to this rule: if you have children. Here you will have to solve the issues of upbringing together or establish the amount of alimony through the court.

2. The best revenge is to change yourself

Why do men indulge in all sorts of serious cheating? Basically, they are looking for what they are missing in their marriage. Some crave ease of communication, others - bed pleasures, others - to finally be listened to and patted on the head. Changing yourself - this method of an elegant exit from a love triangle also works best for the injured party. Try to transform yourself, or rather return to your initial state.

You remember how good it was for you both, what romantic evenings and nights of passion you arranged for each other. Yes, everyday life has become a bit boring, feelings have become calmer, but no one is stopping you from supporting your spouse, surrounding him with care and bringing bed games back into your life.

And who knows, maybe the mistress will suffer a crushing defeat. But after the changes and the return of self-respect, you will need to solve a rather pressing issue. Are you ready to continue building a relationship with a partner who is cheating on you?


3. Start from scratch in another city/country

The method is suitable for both the injured party and the party accepting the traitor. Understand, forgive and let go, but not him, but yourself. If possible, go build your new life in another city or another country. You have nothing to lose except your pain, mental anguish and worries.

While you are settling into your new place, you will have to solve some pretty pressing issues. While looking for housing and work, learning a foreign language, you will definitely not be running through the images of your partner and his mistress (or wife) in your head for the hundredth time.

By expanding your circle of acquaintances, you will acquire useful connections and at the same time will clearly see truly worthy people. In fact, you are entering another world, but with an impressive baggage of experience. And it will definitely not allow you to step on the same rake a second time. If, of course, you know how to draw the right conclusions from the past and forgive yourself.

4. Transform the triangle into another shape

Most often, a love triangle turns into a square with a simple and elegant movement. This is provided that, for example, the wife decided to act in the way of her husband, that is, she also went on a trip to the left. But sometimes the mistress also gets herself another man for pleasure, turning everything into a pentagon. This is not the most ideal way, because it does not bring complete satisfaction.

However, it helps to restore a certain balance of the energy of passion and at the same time the fallen self-esteem. In addition, in reality, there are often cases when spouses suddenly realized that the family had already exhausted itself, and started from scratch, but with lovers.

True, only very self-confident individuals are capable of this, since no one guarantees "happily ever after" with another, even if proven by adultery, partner. Plus, here comes the question of morality, which everyone must decide for themselves.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

  1. 1. In all four directions
  2. 2. The best revenge is to change yourself
  3. 3. Start from scratch in another city/country
  4. 4. Transform the triangle into another shape