6 Signs That a Woman May Soon Break Up with a Man

05.03.2023 03:00
Updated: 14.04.2023 11:26

Surely you do not attach much importance to all these little things. Be careful: all the suspicious actions of your beloved may have a very serious reason!

You have been living together for a very long time or, on the contrary, you got together quite recently.

You have to share a spacious bed and a place to live, or maybe you've only been dating seriously for a couple of months. But what difference does it make?

You still shouldn't ignore these 6 signs that indicate a future breakup.

1. Lack of intimate interest

If your boyfriend's sexual behavior has changed dramatically, then you can't expect anything good.

Hands of a Couple
Photo: Pixabay

Just recently, your beloved man carried you to the bedroom in his arms and pounced on your hot body like a hungry lion? And now he avoids sex, how can he? Probably, this is stressing you out?

2. Scandals without any particular reason

Your friend argues and quarrels with you when it is absolutely inappropriate. The day before yesterday he did not notice those wrinkled shirts that you promised to iron, and today he threw them in your face with a loud scream!

In fact, a huge crack has formed in your relationship. Your man is clearly unhappy with something, but he hasn’t been able to say it directly yet. One thing is clear – your lover is starting these scandals on purpose.

He hopes that you will throw a tantrum in response and he will have a reason to run away from you. And the last reason: he will be able to tell his friends about your grumpiness and anger. Of course, they will advise the man to leave you.

3. The desire to spend leisure time with acquaintances and friends

He makes an unexpected statement: "I really need some personal space" or: "I think you need to meet up with your girlfriends more often. By the way, I should make an appointment with my friends too."

This is what a man means: you must sacrifice spending time together in favor of friendly communication.

Of course, all couples have their moments of rapprochement and cooling. Don't jump to conclusions. What if he really misses his usual male company? In that case, your relationship isn't hanging by a thread. But if your lover avoids you in every possible way, then your situation is truly dire.

4. Avoiding kisses

A romantic relationship is unthinkable without kissing. Kissing is a very intimate act. It shows that the partners are really close.

Did your loved one kiss you several times a day before? And now all your attempts to merge in a passionate kiss end in failure? Does your gentleman avoid the kiss and only slightly hug you?

There are two possible options here:

1. The man ate a lot of garlic.

2. He no longer enjoys your kisses.

5. Buying a new phone and a new SIM card.

This sign is probably the worst. According to private detectives who specialize in adultery, a man buying a new phone and changing his number are sure signs of cheating.

The only option that can save you is a forced purchase of a device for business negotiations. But this is unlikely, since this need usually arises among big bosses and successful businessmen.

If your lover is not one of them, then this reason disappears by itself. Surely this phone is intended for certain calls and messages with flirtatious women, about whom you should know nothing.

6. Excessive concern about one's appearance.

Not long ago, your loved one wore old jeans and grayed shirts. If you couldn't get the stains out of his T-shirt, he would put it on and wear it as if nothing had happened. But now everything has changed dramatically.

It's impossible to tear him away from the mirror. Your man has bought new perfume with a more sensual scent, started shaving twice a day and carefully ironing all his clothes. Don't rush to rejoice.

Most likely, he is preening not for you, but for another lady with whom he is already planning a future together.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. 1. Lack of intimate interest
  2. 2. Scandals without any particular reason
  3. 3. The desire to spend leisure time with acquaintances and friends
  4. 4. Avoiding kisses
  5. 5. Buying a new phone and a new SIM card.
  6. 6. Excessive concern about one's appearance.