Psychologist Pavel Rakov spoke about the signs of a morally strong man

16.02.2023 19:07
Updated: 14.04.2023 03:01

More and more often women sigh: "Where are these strong men?" Indeed, at first it seems that here he is, this gentleman, is a role model.

It is from him that other representatives of the stronger sex should learn gallantry. But a couple more dates pass - and the gentleman reveals his true face, which turns out to be very far from the image of a morally stable person.

But in fact, it is enough to observe a little to understand where a real strong man is and where a fake is.

Pavel Rakov , an expert of the online publication Belnovosti, a psychologist, coach, and creator of the cult training “In fact, I’m smart, but I live like a fool,” advises paying attention to these seven signs that will allow you to quickly identify a worthy partner who will take care of his companion and not play on your nerves.

1. Good posture and confident poses

First of all, pay attention to the physical qualities of the representative of the stronger sex.

Photo: Pixabay

Firstly, a morally strong, self-sufficient man always has good posture. He does not slouch, does not stoop, his back is straight, his chest is open, his gait is soft, but not shuffling, but confident.

Secondly, he is unlikely to adopt closed poses when talking. And it does not matter whether it is a conversation with his beloved woman or with colleagues. Such a person is open to the world, because he has no complexes or fears that should be hidden from others. As a rule, the speech of such gentlemen is calm, without raised tones, and their gestures are not sharp, not feverish.

2. Respecting other people's personal boundaries

Only people who are very insecure start to break through the personal boundaries of others, become clingy when they receive a firm "no" in response. The weak always want to assert themselves at the expense of those who are even weaker. But a strong man does not need this in a relationship. He will not obsessively touch her knee or take her hand if he sees that it is unpleasant for a woman. And he will definitely not give unsolicited advice on how to live, how to raise children, how to dress and what makeup to apply.

You will hear his recommendations only if you ask for them yourself. However, if such a gentleman offers help, it means that he saw that you are really in a very difficult situation.

3. Promises kept

A strong man will never make promises that he cannot keep. He simply respects his and your time. But if such a man has given his word, rest assured that he will keep it.

And he will do it exactly on time. And if he does not have the ability to support in solving some issue, then he will say so directly: “No way now. There are no necessary capacities and time.” And note that there is no need to remind such a gentleman about the promise. He borrowed - he will return. He said he would fix it, and he will do so. Did you ask for white flowers for your birthday? You will definitely get them. Along with another gift.

4. Help and support

Yes, a strong man will always come to the aid of his beloved. But not only her. He is always in touch with his friends and relatives and at their first call will definitely provide support, at least during the day, at least at night. Observe how a gentleman behaves towards the poor, the humiliated and the oppressed. Does he give alms to the poor? Does he buy flowers from old ladies on the street so that they have an extra penny? Does he leave tips for waiters? Can he take a hit animal to a veterinary clinic?

If you answered "yes" to all the questions, then you have a morally stable person in front of you who understands how important timely help is. But do not consider him a good guy, on whose neck everyone and their dog rides. Such a man can say "no" if he believes that his help is not needed in a particular case.


5. Gentle persistence

Men with moral stability know how to demand. They do it softly but persistently. Why raise your voice if you can always achieve more with calmness and confidence? And yes, such gentlemen will not resort to personal attacks.

In a dispute or conflict, they operate exclusively with facts and only their feelings. By the way, a strong partner is more likely to give in to his lady love in many not very important issues. For example, concerning the design of the apartment, buying clothes, preparing dishes for the New Year's table. But he will definitely have his last word in the main issues of family security (physical and financial).

6. No fear of appearing weak

If your partner sheds a tear at the sight of a romantic scene or a scene of meeting after a long separation, do not think that he is a whiner and a weakling. Men can express their emotions too! And if a gentleman is not afraid to cry next to his beloved, it means that he trusts her completely.

By the way, real representatives of the stronger sex do not divide household chores by gender. They will calmly and without scandals wash the dishes, take out the trash, vacuum, take care of the children so that the wife can relax with her friends. Strong men are simply not afraid of appearing weak, so "women's work" and statements from friends "what, are you like a woman?" do not scare them.

7. Honesty

And finally, a strong man will not lie if he does not like a girl. He will calmly and gently explain his refusal to date, but will not enter into a relationship just to avoid upsetting the person. Perhaps he will not tell about his problems right away, but not because he decided to lie.

This gentleman simply believes that it is not worth hanging your painful issues on the lady of your heart, especially if they do not affect your dates. However, if somehow this comes to light, he will not hide the facts. He will simply admit it honestly and add that he did not want to worry her.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

  1. 1. Good posture and confident poses
  2. 2. Respecting other people's personal boundaries
  3. 3. Promises kept
  4. 4. Help and support
  5. 5. Gentle persistence
  6. 6. No fear of appearing weak
  7. 7. Honesty