What indoor plants can be taken to the dacha in summer: why do this and when to start

18.04.2024 11:32

Fertilizers, lighting and regular watering cannot replace the plants' stay in the fresh air.

That is why flower growers take their indoor flowers to their summer cottages in the summer not because there is no one to water them, but for their health.

Anastasia Kovrizhnykh , an expert of the online publication "BelNovosti", an agronomist and landscape designer, told us which flowers can be taken out into nature and when to do it.

Why is this necessary?

In most cases, indoor plants do not have enough sunlight. This disrupts photosynthesis and may cause a deficiency of nutrients.

It is believed that flowers can recover their health after the autumn-winter season without any problems in a summer cottage.

Photo: © Belnovosti

But this does not mean that you can take out everything that is growing in your flowerpots and vases.

What plants cannot be exported

For a number of plants, being outdoors is contraindicated.

First of all, these are crops that grow in subtropical conditions.

These are anthurium, almost all orchids, leafy begonias, selaginella, bromeliads and marantas, Saintpaulias and other flowers and plants.

The reason is the fluctuations in daily temperatures, as well as changes in air humidity.

Can be taken to the dacha

Indoor roses, citrus fruits, all types of aloe, pelargonium, sanseveria, as well as palms, chlorophytum and pomegranate can be made healthier.

It is not forbidden to leave cacti, bougainvillea, and fuchsia in the sun and fresh air.

When to take out

The main reference point should be the air temperature. Moreover, it is better to focus on the night indicator.

When the thermometer stops dropping below +15 degrees Celsius at night, you can begin.

Where to land

Most plants will do well in partial shade in the garden or on the west side of a building where full sun only appears in the evening.

Cacti, roses and pelargonium can be planted in illuminated areas.

Previously we talked about how to use eggshells at the dacha.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

Anastasia Kovrizhnykh Expert: Anastasia KovrizhnykhExpert / Belnovosti

  1. Why is this necessary?
  2. What plants cannot be exported
  3. Can be taken to the dacha
  4. When to take out
  5. Where to land